When we’re reminded of our aims, we're more motivated to reach them
Subtle, well-timed cues that surface our long-term goals improve the immediate decisions required to get us there.
Papies & Veling (2013). Healthy dining. Subtle diet reminders at the point of purchase increase low-calorie food choices among dieters. Appetite, 61, 1-7.
The study
The food choices of 89 people both dieting and not dieting were analyzed in a cafe. Diners were given a menu with either information highlighting low-calorie options or not (the control).
Results showed that dieters primed with the reminder of their future goal consistently made healthier food choices than unprimed dieters.
Papies & Veling (2013). Healthy dining. Subtle diet reminders at the point of purchase increase low-calorie food choices among dieters. Appetite, 61, 1-7.
Key Takeaways
Who is the target group?
They could be people who are motivated to protect the environment, improve productivity at work or improve the quality of their lives. Note: they must have already stated a desire for this goal. Your prime will merely aim to nudge their existing Commitment to meeting their own aspirations.
Where can you trigger these long-term motivations?
As well as environment, timing also matters, so make sure that you do so very close to the actual decision point, i.e. at the start of a meeting, at the ordering counter or on the inside of a restroom door.
Boost with the Spacing Effect.
What's the specific behaviour that you're allowing them to perform to help move them towards their long term goal?
It has to be obvious and easy to do, such as clearly identifying an eco-friendly substitute, bolting on a salad or opting for an equally-priced, dairy-free option.
In further detail
When we’re reminded of our aims, we're more motivated to reach them
Subtle, well-timed cues that surface our long-term goals improve the immediate decisions required to get us there.
Papies & Veling (2013). Healthy dining. Subtle diet reminders at the point of purchase increase low-calorie food choices among dieters. Appetite, 61, 1-7.
The study
The food choices of 89 people both dieting and not dieting were analyzed in a cafe. Diners were given a menu with either information highlighting low-calorie options or not (the control).
Results showed that dieters primed with the reminder of their future goal consistently made healthier food choices than unprimed dieters.
Papies & Veling (2013). Healthy dining. Subtle diet reminders at the point of purchase increase low-calorie food choices among dieters. Appetite, 61, 1-7.
Key Takeaways
Who is the target group?
They could be people who are motivated to protect the environment, improve productivity at work or improve the quality of their lives. Note: they must have already stated a desire for this goal. Your prime will merely aim to nudge their existing Commitment to meeting their own aspirations.
Where can you trigger these long-term motivations?
As well as environment, timing also matters, so make sure that you do so very close to the actual decision point, i.e. at the start of a meeting, at the ordering counter or on the inside of a restroom door.
Boost with the Spacing Effect.
What's the specific behaviour that you're allowing them to perform to help move them towards their long term goal?
It has to be obvious and easy to do, such as clearly identifying an eco-friendly substitute, bolting on a salad or opting for an equally-priced, dairy-free option.
In further detail
When we’re reminded of our aims, we're more motivated to reach them
The study
The food choices of 89 people both dieting and not dieting were analyzed in a cafe. Diners were given a menu with either information highlighting low-calorie options or not (the control).
Results showed that dieters primed with the reminder of their future goal consistently made healthier food choices than unprimed dieters.
In detail
We value things more when they’re in limited supply
Social Proof
We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations
Prospect Theory
A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good
We’re hardwired to return kindness received
We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented
Loss Aversion
We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we gain it
We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others
Default Effect
We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us
Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard
What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter
Autonomy Bias
We have a deep-seated need to control our situations
Fast & Slow Thinking
We make knee-jerk spontaneous decisions that can cause regretful damage
Status Quo Bias
We tend to stick with our previous choices, even if the alternatives might be better
Dynamic Norms
We’re more likely to change if we can see a new behavior developing
Round Pricing Preference
We prefer and trust whole numbers over those ending in a 9
Our choices are determined by the information we're shown