If in this scenario, we then plan to do that, we'll more likely reach our goals
By planning when, where and how we'll do it, an if-then plan forms a strong link between moment and action, allowing us to make better decisions about our health and wealth.
Neter, E., Stein, N., Barnett-Griness, O., Rennert, G., & Hagoel, L. (2014). From the bench to public health: population-level implementation intentions in colorectal cancer screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(3), 273-280.
The study
Over 27,000 Israelis were mailed a self-administering Colorectal Cancer test kit. The kit either included an “if–then” leaflet with instructions of when, where, and how to perform the test or a standard leaflet with no such planning instructions (control group). They were then asked 2 and 6 months later whether they took the test.
71.4% of the If-then plan recipients took the test compared to 67.9% of the control group meaning If-Then plans resulted in 6.6% more of participants taking the test.
Neter, E., Stein, N., Barnett-Griness, O., Rennert, G., & Hagoel, L. (2014). From the bench to public health: population-level implementation intentions in colorectal cancer screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(3), 273-280.
Key Takeaways
Whether designing for yourself or for others, here's how to make an easy, effective If-Then Plan:
First, define the goal.
If for you, it might be to exercise more. If for others, it might be to reduce an organisation's water waste. What existing behaviour are you looking to reduce or reinforce? Alternatively, what new, aspirational behaviour might you be looking to foster?
Identify your "If" context
This will become the future cue or environment that we'll recognise. It'll provide a clear, detectable moment to do something, even if you're busy or tired. Pick scenarios that are encountered often (E.g. on a daily basis, like an office lobby) to boost effectiveness.
E.g. "If/when I'm waiting for the elevator…"
Choose a behavioural "then" response
This is the specific behaviour that will get you closer to the goal you defined. The easier it is to recall and do, the more it will be done. For instance, what small, relevant and easy-to-recall behaviour can I do IF I'm waiting for the elevator?
E.g. "I will take the stairs"
Planning these steps out in advance and defining exactly how one should respond in the situation creates a strong, repeatable link between seeing and doing.
E.g. "If I have to wait for the elevator, then I will take the stairs"
Note: If designing for others, to ensure it'll be easy and fits within the context you're designing for, consider roleplaying it out before you roll it out. Role before you roll, if you will.
Inform, do not instruct.
A vivid, relatable and subtly persuasive image or message will be more effective to change consumer behaviour, whereas instructing them could be met with reactance. Remove this threat to personal freedom by giving consumers more autonomy when they make decisions.
Ideally, If-Thens should be defined at least in part by the person themselves. However, there are creative workarounds; companies could set and share strategic goals, with employees writing their own If-Then Plans to help achieve such goals.
In further detail
If in this scenario, we then plan to do that, we'll more likely reach our goals
By planning when, where and how we'll do it, an if-then plan forms a strong link between moment and action, allowing us to make better decisions about our health and wealth.
Neter, E., Stein, N., Barnett-Griness, O., Rennert, G., & Hagoel, L. (2014). From the bench to public health: population-level implementation intentions in colorectal cancer screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(3), 273-280.
The study
Over 27,000 Israelis were mailed a self-administering Colorectal Cancer test kit. The kit either included an “if–then” leaflet with instructions of when, where, and how to perform the test or a standard leaflet with no such planning instructions (control group). They were then asked 2 and 6 months later whether they took the test.
71.4% of the If-then plan recipients took the test compared to 67.9% of the control group meaning If-Then plans resulted in 6.6% more of participants taking the test.
Neter, E., Stein, N., Barnett-Griness, O., Rennert, G., & Hagoel, L. (2014). From the bench to public health: population-level implementation intentions in colorectal cancer screening. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 46(3), 273-280.
Key Takeaways
Whether designing for yourself or for others, here's how to make an easy, effective If-Then Plan:
First, define the goal.
If for you, it might be to exercise more. If for others, it might be to reduce an organisation's water waste. What existing behaviour are you looking to reduce or reinforce? Alternatively, what new, aspirational behaviour might you be looking to foster?
Identify your "If" context
This will become the future cue or environment that we'll recognise. It'll provide a clear, detectable moment to do something, even if you're busy or tired. Pick scenarios that are encountered often (E.g. on a daily basis, like an office lobby) to boost effectiveness.
E.g. "If/when I'm waiting for the elevator…"
Choose a behavioural "then" response
This is the specific behaviour that will get you closer to the goal you defined. The easier it is to recall and do, the more it will be done. For instance, what small, relevant and easy-to-recall behaviour can I do IF I'm waiting for the elevator?
E.g. "I will take the stairs"
Planning these steps out in advance and defining exactly how one should respond in the situation creates a strong, repeatable link between seeing and doing.
E.g. "If I have to wait for the elevator, then I will take the stairs"
Note: If designing for others, to ensure it'll be easy and fits within the context you're designing for, consider roleplaying it out before you roll it out. Role before you roll, if you will.
Inform, do not instruct.
A vivid, relatable and subtly persuasive image or message will be more effective to change consumer behaviour, whereas instructing them could be met with reactance. Remove this threat to personal freedom by giving consumers more autonomy when they make decisions.
Ideally, If-Thens should be defined at least in part by the person themselves. However, there are creative workarounds; companies could set and share strategic goals, with employees writing their own If-Then Plans to help achieve such goals.
In further detail
If in this scenario, we then plan to do that, we'll more likely reach our goals
The study
Over 27,000 Israelis were mailed a self-administering Colorectal Cancer test kit. The kit either included an “if–then” leaflet with instructions of when, where, and how to perform the test or a standard leaflet with no such planning instructions (control group). They were then asked 2 and 6 months later whether they took the test.
71.4% of the If-then plan recipients took the test compared to 67.9% of the control group meaning If-Then plans resulted in 6.6% more of participants taking the test.
In detail
We value things more when they’re in limited supply
Social Proof
We copy the behaviors of others, especially in unfamiliar situations
Prospect Theory
A loss hurts more than an equal gain feels good
We’re hardwired to return kindness received
We make very different decisions based on how a fact is presented
Loss Aversion
We feel more negative when losing something than positive when we gain it
We constantly seek out ways to communicate our identity to others
Default Effect
We tend to accept the option pre-chosen for us
Our decisions are shaped by memories recalled from things just seen or heard
What we see first affects our judgement of everything thereafter
Autonomy Bias
We have a deep-seated need to control our situations
Fast & Slow Thinking
We make knee-jerk spontaneous decisions that can cause regretful damage
Status Quo Bias
We tend to stick with our previous choices, even if the alternatives might be better
Dynamic Norms
We’re more likely to change if we can see a new behavior developing
Round Pricing Preference
We prefer and trust whole numbers over those ending in a 9
Our choices are determined by the information we're shown